
Fireball Network Western Europe, Station EN 907

From the year 1979 The Oostkapelle location participates in this high quality photographic network with a high precision all-sky camera. We cooperate with other all-sky stations in our part of Europe. Occasionally we capture re-entry’s of satellites or other space debris.


In 2017 the Astronomy Project Oostkapelle joined the ESA-ESTEC sponsored FRIPON-NL network:

Detlef Koschny en Andrea Toni ( ESA-ESTEC ) installed the instrument next to the Cyclops Observatory.
This camera is sponsored by the ESA Meteor Research Group.

In October 2022 The coordination of the Dutch branch of the allsky fireball camera network ‘FRIPON’ has been handed over from ESA-ESTEC to the TU Delft. The coordinator is Sebastiaan de Vet of the section Astrodynamics & Space Missions.

Allsky7 Network Europe

We started participating in this video network in 2020

Live view Oostkapelle:


CAMS is an automated video surveillance of the night sky to validate the IAU Working List of Meteor Showers.

We joined in right from the start of the CAMS camera network in this part of Europe in 2011.

8 cameras are operational from our location covering almost the entire night sky.


The goal of this project it to establish decentralized science-grade instruments which observes the night sky every night of the year from as many locations around the world as possible.

The Astronomy Project Oostkapelle participates in this project with 4 cameras


Duinbeekseweg 22a
4356CE Oostkapelle